How much does a delivery in the United States cost?

How much does a delivery in the United States cost? In the United States the cost of a delivery varies depending on the following factors: The state where the delivery takes place. The county where the delivery occurs. In some counties the price of delivery is higher. The hospital or clinic where the delivery takes place. Clinics generally charge more for a delivery in the United States. However, the price of a delivery in the United States can be calculated based on what insurers have paid for a delivery. The lowest price for a delivery in the United States is $ 10,713 The highest price for a delivery in the United States is $ 18,212 The average price for a delivery in the United States is $ 13,878 What does this price of delivery in the United States include? This price includes care before delivery, during delivery and after delivery. The price also includes expenses for medical exams, hospitalization, medicines and everything related to the baby's birth. Are there hospital...



Genital plastic surgery that are the rage in the U.S. and Europe, are here to stay. No different aesthetic concept that they lead to the inclusion of a prosthetic breast, a facelift or liposuction. Only cultural, inhibitions, fears and a lot of painful and unnecessary embarrassment and acceptance at over the years, made that these consultations will now operate recently. The loss of tonicity of the external genitalia and the consequent decrease and enlarged labia, increased pigmentation, loss of symmetry and enlargement of the vaginal cavity for childbirth and / or the pace of age occur in more than 50% of women disorders of some kind in their sexuality and / or confidence in his psyche and body, including what is now known as a prolapse, urinary incontinence and other disorders what we call today and intimate surgery reconstructive surgery with excellent technique, make these conditions a road unnecessary.Dr Vizcarra With You advise and start a journey that will take you to regain your confidence, your self-esteem and sexuality, in a personalized way, according to your need.

Vaginal Rejuvenation - Cosmetic Gynecology (is more than a facelift, is the reconstruction of the pelvic floor)

Cirugía Intima: Un nuevo camino de la belleza femenina.

Benefits of this surgical technique
1 sexuality has changed considerably
And the capacity for physical activity
Prevents 2nd urinary incontinence
3rd Prevents Urinary Tract Infection
4th Flow Prevents Recurrent Genital
5th Prevent Bladder Prolapse, Uterine, Rectal
6th Prevents flaccidity of Pelvic Muscles
7th hernial orifice which produces the
Vaginal Delivery in the Pelvis.

Las cirugías plásticas genitales que son furor en E.E.U.U. y en Europa, han llegado para quedarse. En nada se diferencia el concepto estético que lleva a ellas al de una inclusión protésica mamaria, un lifting facial o una lipoescultura. Solo aspectos culturales, inhibiciones, temores infundados y mucho de verguenza y penosa e innecesaria aceptación al paso de los años, hizo que estas consultas recien exploten ahora. La perdida de tonicidad de los genitales externos y el consecuente descenso y agrandamiento de labios mayores y menores, el aumento de su pigmentación, la perdida de la simetría y el agrandamiento de la cavidad vaginal por partos y/o por el mismo paso de la edad producen en mas de un 50% de las mujeres trastornos de algún tipo en su sexualidad y/o en su psiquis y confianza corporal , incluso lo que hoy conocemos como PROLAPSO, INCONTINENCIA DE ORINA, y otros Trastornos Hoy lo que nosotros llamamos cirugía intima y reconstructiva, con una técnica quirúrgica excelente, hacen de estos padecimientos un camino innecesario

COSMETIC Gynecology allows the possibility of repairing damaged tissue (perineal muscles) occasioned by the confinement, and the passage of time.

Vaginal relaxation is the loss of the Optimum Structural Architecture of the Vagina, the muscles are relaxed and have poor tone, strength and control. The internal and external diameters increase. The muscles of the perineum are weak and poorly supported. Under these circumstances the vagina is no longer in its optimum physiological state, therefore we must rebuild it through surgery, and uniting again tightening the vaginal muscles are torn and the rest of the pelvic floor, thereby improving muscle tone vaginal and reducing the size or caliber of the vaginal canal, giving greater friction during sex, favoring the satisfaction and pleasure (orgasm).

More and more women who understand that direct injury to the birth canal at delivery can affect sex not only for themselves but for their comrades.Feeling unsatisfied sexually is a feeling of a considerable number of women who are mothers. After many births are not the same organs and their sensitivity decreases considerably widening the vagina.

Many women who dare to confront the problem and find solution to that dissatisfaction. The improvement of external appearance and functionality of the vulva and vagina, restore self-esteem, and a reunion of satisfactory partner.

La GINECOLOGÍA ESTÉTICA permite la posibilidad de reparar los tejidos dañados(músculos del periné) ocacionados por el parto, y el paso del tiempo.

El RELAJAMIENTO VAGINAL es la pérdida de la Estructura Óptima de la Vagina, los músculos están relajados y carecen de tono, elasticidad y control. Los diámetros interno y externo aumentan. Los músculos del perineo son débiles y no tienen el soporte adecuado. Bajo esas circunstancias, la vagina ya no se encuentra en su estado fisiológico óptimo, por lo tanto es necesario reconstruir la misma a través de una cirugía, tensando y uniendo nuevamente los músculos vaginales desgarrados y del resto del piso pelviano, mejorando así la tonalidad muscular vaginal y reduciendo el tamaño o calibre del conducto vaginal, concediendo una mejor fricción durante el acto sexual, favoreciendo la satisfacción y el placer (orgasmo).

Cada vez son mas las mujeres que entienden que las lesiones directas al canal vaginal en los partos pueden afectar las relaciones sexuales no sólo para ellas sino para sus compañeros. El sentirse insatisfechas sexualmente es un sentimiento de un número considerable de mujeres que han sido madres. Después de varios partos sus órganos no son iguales y su sensibilidad disminuye considerablemente por el ensanchamiento de la vagina.

Son muchas las mujeres que se atreven a enfrentar el problema y buscar solución a esa insatisfacción. La mejora del aspecto externo y de la funcionalidad de la vulva y vagina, restablecen la autoestima, y un reencuentro de pareja satisfactorio.


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